So…whew…wipes brow…my Mom decided not to take the riding lessons. She read your posts and was amped to get started and here goes our conversation:
MOM: Your friends think I should go for it!!!
ME: OK. I have reservations and am concerned about you falling.
MOM: My guardian angels are looking out for me.
ME: I don’t wanna worry and hope they give you an old slow ass horse!!
MOM: Regan!!
ME: I’m serious.
MOM: Well, Mama always said do what you want but be prepared for the consequences.
ME: OK. Consequence. 1-800-SHADY-PINES!!
MOM: Regan!!
ME: I’m serious.
MOM: Forget you!!! You not the boss of me…LOL. Oooook I’m gonna look for a pottery class.