So…my Mom is a napper. She doesn’t really “go to sleep.” I regularly receive emails from her at 4:00 am saying “Good Morning Sunshine!” See, she is a like a cat. She takes multiple naps a day. What’s funny is when she has meetings or appointments…she really has to focus and stay on schedule. LOL It is not unusual for her to be up at any particular time. Now, my Dad on the other hand is the complete opposite. I started calling him Dracula when I was in High School. He stays up ALL NIGHT and sleeps during the day. When I was in junior high school, he would surprise me with different movies that would come on late at night. When he would come home from work, he’d tell me that he taped some movies for me. I would ask which ones and he would tell me “Cooley High” or “Carmen Jones.” Now, those movies only came on around 2:00 AM. (for my DC folks, on channel 20).
So…back to my Mom. I admit, I am an online shopper, so the UPS and FedEx guys know us. BUT RECENTLY, things have picked up!! My Mom has been receiving all sorts of packages. She had several productions over the last few months, so I figured that it was stuff for her theater company. Nooooooooo……she has been shopping on late night TV!!!! I think I really paid attention when my Mom gifted me with some yoga socks. Not just one pair of yoga socks…but 12 (yes TWELVE) pairs of yoga socks. Don’t worry, she has twelve pairs as well.
Wait, then there are the pasta strainers. Yes “are” and plural. She ordered some special pasta strainers, where you put this thinga-ma-jig over the pot to strain the pasta. I guess that would be OK if we didn’t already have 3 complete sets of cookware, ranging from All Clad to Le Creuset. The 3 complete sets isn’t bad, they are from 3 households (main house, my former home in Atlanta and their Hilton Head house). So, she gets a pass on the cookware. I bring that up because, WHY then do we need the red, plastic pasta strainers? Oh yeah, we received 4 (yes FOUR) sets of 2; totaling 8 pasta strainers. She can’t even give these things away…and she has tried!!!
I could go on and on. So…I finally asked my Mom why she is ordering all of this stuff. She told me because they look cute on commercials. CUTE!!!! She figured that she is doing early Christmas/Birthday shopping or that they are good deals. Between my Mom and her As Seen on TV good deals and my Dad and his Costco good deal obsession I am gonna turn into practicing yoga, chopping, straining, slicing and dicing, wraptastic Sous Chef!!!