My AuntieGodMommy and my BabyGirl enjoyed an evening with Attorney General Eric Holder.
If y’all only KNEW how awesome this pic is.

My AuntieGodMommy and my BabyGirl enjoyed an evening with Attorney General Eric Holder.
If y’all only KNEW how awesome this pic is.
Oh yes….the plan has worked!!!
ME: Mom, you ready to come home?
MOM: Nooooo
ME: Cool!!!
So, as I have mentioned, the sisters have not always had the best relationship, so this was a s-t-r-e-t-c-h. To have them, the Big Sister (my Mom) and the Middle Sister (my Aunt), together, without any buffers; me, or my cousins, ALONE, no hubbies (who were SOOOOOO the balancing, stable forces for us ALL) was a FAAARRRRR REACH!! BUT, OMG!!! It has worked.
My Mom and Aunt are LOVING each other…they BOTH have called me, whispering on the phone, saying how they can’t believe how well they are getting along and how much fun they are having and so on. Each morning, they start their day sitting on the lanai with Arrow having their morning coffee. I. LOVE. IT.!!!
My Mom said: “I guess we’re too old to fight. We both old and can’t remember why we are mad….sooooo we good now!!”
Summer Camp 2022, 2023, 2024 and so on!!
Oh yeah…sssshhhhhh…..I’ve booked a ticket to pick up my babygirl…but I have not disclosed the date. My only hint is that it is this year…LOL.
I am cracking up. So…my Mom is definitely her Mother’s twin.
I had this idea to have this pic re-created with my Mom. This pic was taken of my Grandmother on the Vineyard in 2008.
Annnnd, this is our conversation:
ME: Mom, I have an idea. You know that pic of Mama? The one where she wearing red, that was taken on the Vineyard?
MOM: Yeah…
ME: While you are up there, we should have you take the pic, in the same place. I think Aunt Cheryl has the necklace and you can get a red sweater.
MOM: Hmmmm….that would be nice.
ME: Yeah.
MOM: Wait…when was that pic taken?
ME: 2008
MOM: That was the year before she died, right? She was 80?
ME: Yeah…
MOM: HELL NO!!! Forget that idea!!! I’m 80, we ain’t RECREATING SHIT!!!
ME: ummm…well ok…how u doin?
MOM: I gotta go…I have lunch plans. Bye!