Sorry…it’s been a minute.

It has been a while since my last post. A lot has happened. A. LOT.

My Mom had a stroke on February 12th, adding another level of Tough to our Built Ford ToughNESS!!! She is fine now, but it was a scary time. But anyone who knows my Mom, KNOWS..she is a FIGHTER!!! She is doing much better…lost a step…but is still feisty.

My Dad is …. the epitome of Tough. WE are Built Ford Tough…because of HIM!!

Our world is in turmoil and has heightened my need to connect. So…I am back…to this…my blog…our stories…our life!!!

Here is something that I posted recently to Facebook. Check it out:

I took a week off from Social Media.

I was sad, sleep-deprived, unfocused and weary. I was thinking about things that I experienced over 40 years ago. Painful experiences of racism, that I had buried in smiles and laughter. Feelings were unearthed and they bothered me. I was exhausted around the “are you ok?” NO…I WAS NOT.

So, I allowed myself to be free from the news. Free from social media. OMG!!! Sooooo refreshing. SO! REFRESHING!

Came back. Peeked in. Unfollowed some things, unfriended some folks. Gonna go back to my bubble.

I don’t need to see or read a lot of what I see or read. Going back to dialing 7, 10 or 11 digits, hearing voices that give me warmth, looking at pics that make me smile, giggling on the phone with who makes me swoon, wrapping my arms around who needs me near.

I will check in from time to time. I’m not against social media, just don’t need to be scrolling aimlessly. If you wanna chat…I am all for a phone call. I check my FB messenger if you wanna connect.

Everyone…have a great day. Smile. Tell those that you love…that you LOVE THEM. Don’t wait. Call up your friends. See how they are REALLY doing. I’m fine can mean so many different things based on the way that it is said.

Parents or Teenagers??

I am not sure who my parents are. 

They called me to set up a Pea Pod Grocery delivery for them.  

This is the Grocery List that they sent to me:

  • Bush’s Baked Beans
  • Doritoes
  • Fish Sticks
  • Soup
  • Seedless Grapes (Green and Red)
  • Crackers
  • Orange Juice
  • Ginger Ale
  • Cheese Doodles
  • Bag of Assorted Chips (Frito Lay)
  • Ranch Dressing
  • Yogurt
  • Hebrew Beef Hot Dogs
  • Blackberries
  • Bananas
  • Smoked Turkey Wings
  • Head of cabbage
  • Mushrooms
  • Oatmeal
  • Pellegrino

We are growin’ old together

Watched a movie with my Mom.

It took us THREE HOURS to watch a TWO HOUR movie!!!


FIRST…I needed to find my glasses so that I could figure out the blurry people.
THEN…we kept rewinding so that we could hear what the people were saying.
THEN…we got tired of rewinding, so we decided to turn on closed captioning.
BUT…HOW do you do that???
THEN…we finally figured it out.
THEN…we had to each take a potty break.
THEN…my Mom wanted something to eat.
THEN…we forgot where we were in the movie.