Like I always say…I can’t make this up….
(this is kind of long, but so worth it)
My Mother is mad, I mean HOT….sucking teeth mad. You know why????
So…we are at the dining room table and my Dad is sorting the mail. He giggles to himself and put a piece of mail on my Mom’s pile….(and here we goooo)
Dad: Toni, here is your mail.
Mom: Thanks Babe. (puts it aside, doesn’t look at the letters)
Dad: Toni…you probably should read your mail…you have something pretty important in there.
Mom: (picks up her mail…shuffles through the letters quickly)…What are you talking about Mel?
Dad: That postcard….it’s for you.
Mom: (Shuffles to the post card…starts to read….serious face) Did you get one?
Dad: Nope
Mom: Humph…what is this S#$T (remember, Mommy has a potty mouth)
Me: Well….what is it???
Mom: (flips the card over to me)
Me: LOL (It’s an invitation to visit the Cedar Hill Cemetery for an introductory tour and overview)
Mom: Why they send this S#*t to me??? Mel, you sure you didn’t get one???
Dad: (giggling) I am proof positive….I didn’t get one. (chuckle chuckle)
Mom: I walk every morning….sh#@! I don’t need no tour!! Do they know something I don’t know? They didn’t send one to you Mel? That ain’t right!!!
Me: Mom…give me that card. Why are you mad??
Mom: That’s not fair!!!
Mom: (snatches the card…picks up the phone)
Dials numbers…hand on hip….ring ring
Mom: Hi, this is Antoinette Ford. I received a card from you inviting me to a tour.
other person: blah blah blah
Mom: Mrs. Antoinette Ford.
other person: blah blah blah
Mom: Yes, Mrs. Antoinette Ford. Washington, DC. Yes. Yes. That is me.
other person: blah blah blah
Mom: Did you send one to my husband, Mr. Melvin Ford?
other person: blah blah blah
Mom: Hmm…why not? He is 4 years older than me!!!
other person: blah blah blah
Mom: LOOK!!! Take my name off of your list!!!!! I’m gonna be here for a while!!! Have a nice day
She is mad. Not because she received the card. She is mad, because she got one BEFORE my Dad….smh smh smh